The Washington Police Department is charged and committed to the responsibility of serving and protecting the citizens and transients within the City of Washington.
The Washington Police Department will expeditiously and vigorously respond to calls for law enforcement services, investigate crime, monitor criminal activity, maintain and be actively invovled in cime prevention, peace preservation and dissolving criminal disorder. We are guided by the ordinances enacted by the City of Washington, the laws of the State of Georgia, the Constitution of the United States and our individual and collective commitment to our mission.
We will set and continue to build the highest of standards with an ever present commitment to professionalism, excellence and service. In so doing the Washington Police Department has adopted and accepted the following mission statement that reflects the inherent and fundamental responsibilities of our department. Our mission statement reflects the philosophy, beliefs, and commitments of the Officers it represents.
Mission Statement
The Officers of the Washington Police Department are committed to serve and protect the citizens and transients of the City of Washington and pledge to ever strive for excellence and to serve with professionalism, courtesy, and respect for human dignity.
Chief Michael L. Davis